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Dr Cheese, the all time party band is committed to keeping the members of our community informed and involved. We love sharing news and updates with our fellow fans and want to make sure you never miss a thing. Check out some of our featured articles and stories below, and be sure to send us your questions, comments, and suggestions.

people watching show
Live Music
Man Playing Guitar

Most Loyal Fan Award

Write a description of your fan club’s latest news here. Include links to original stories or updates about events, and add videos or photos for extra engagement.

Fan Summit Comes to Town

Write a description of your fan club’s latest news here. Include links to original stories or updates about events, and add videos or photos for extra engagement.

Fan Club Hits 10,000 Members

Write a description of your fan club’s latest news here. Include links to original stories or updates about events, and add videos or photos for extra engagement.

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